Introduction to Grid Computing Part 1


About the Course

This course on Grid Computing aims to provide you with an understanding of the key concepts that underlie Grid technology and the role that Grid Computing can play in computationally intensive problems. It also aims to help researchers, regardless of their major (High Energy Physics, Biology, Earth observation, etc), to feel confident of their ability to use the Grid Infrastructure. This includes working with portals, workflow management systems and Grid middleware. By demonstrating practical examples on Grid, you will effectively develop your skills on accessing the grid resources, submitting workloads and developing applications on shared computational and storage grid resources.

About the lecturer

Jan Bot is a bioinformaticion by training (Delft University of Technology) and has been using the grid for about five years. He has worked on genomic analysis using Grid Computing and done multiple large computing projects. He has implemented his own pilot job framework called PiCaS and has used this to run a variety of mostly biology oriented applications on heterogeneous compute infrastructures. He has won the Enlighten Your Research 3challenge in which additional connectivity was established between 12 Dutch grid clusters. He is currently a consultant for SURFsara, co-organizing the next round of Enlighten Your Research and looking after biology related compute projects.

Course developer/coordinator: Anatoli Danezi (SURFsara advisor)

Mooc developer: Jeroen Schot (SURFsara advisor)

Visualisations: Tijs de Kler (SURFsara advisor) and Nico Kruithof




November 18 - November 24

  • Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Cluster computing
  • Grid computing overview
  • Use case: EGI role (Gergeley Sipos)

Course Overview



Intro to Parallel and Distributed Computing

Cluster Computing

Grid Computing Overview