Five new ESFRI cluster projects in the EOSC panorama



Research Infrastructures have strong links with research communities and projects, manage significant data volumes and develop innovative data analytics tools, ensuring effective research data exploitation.

Five ESFRI cluster projects have been launched early this year, providing a gathering point for various ESFRI projects and landmarks to connect to the EOSC:


ENVRI-FAIR for environmental research

ENVRI-FAIR will implement the ENVRI-hub - a virtual, federated machine-to-machine interface to access environmental data and services provided by the contributing RIs. The complete set of thematic data services and tools will be incorporated into the EOSC service catalogue, through the EOSC-hub Marketplace.


PaNOSC for multidisciplinary scientific analysis

PaNOSC will help the Photon and Neutron ESFRIs to adopt and implement data management, simulation and analysis services, and to make their open data available to the EOSC. It will work closely with EOSC-hub partners to integrate general-purpose distributed computing and data management solutions and promote its products through the EOSC Portal.


ESCAPE for astronomy and particle physics

ESCAPE brings together ESFRI facilities of astronomy, astroparticle & particle physics into a single EU collaborative cluster. Plus, it will create a cross-border & multi-disciplinary environment that will benefit EOSC thanks to the management of extremely large data volumes at the multi-exabyte level. It will also support “scientific software” as a major component of RI data to be preserved and exposed in EOSC through dedicated catalogues.


SSHOC for social sciences and humanities

SSHOC aims to provide an open cloud for social sciences and humanities where data, tools, and training are available and accessible for users. This open cloud aims to be a part of the EOSC. The consortium covers the whole data cycle, from data creation and curation, to optimal data reuse, and can address training and advocacy to increase actual reuse of data.


EOSC-Life for life sciences

EOSC-Life brings together biological and medical RIs to create an open collaborative space for digital biology. It aims to publish FAIR life science data resources for cloud use creating an ecosystem of innovative tools in EOSC and enabling groundbreaking data-driven research in Europe by connecting life scientists to EOSC.




