

Applications are open for the 2017 Thematic CERN School of Computing (tCSC 2017), which takes place on 4-10 June 2017 in Split, Croatia. This School is focused on Efficient Parallel Processing of Future Scientific Data...




Digital Infrastructures for Research (Krakow, Poland, 28-30 September 2016).The DI4R 2016 conference is co-organised by EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and

RDA Europe, and is hosted by ACC Cyfronet AGH, Kraków's academic computing centre.


On 20 June 2016, the Commission High Level Expert Group on the European Open Science Cloud (HLEG EOSC) made the draft of their first report available: A Cloud on the 2020 Horizon. Realising the European Open Science Cloud: first report and recommendations  .


The book Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World - a vision for Europe brings together some of the key conceptual insights behind the "Three Os" and highlights actions that are already taking place or are being prepared at time of publication in May 2016.


Giving a major boost to Open Science in Europe, the Commission today presented its blueprint for cloud-based services and world-class data infrastructure to ensure science, business and public services reap benefits of big data revolution.

/ Blog


Ukrainian Grid News, news

International Conference "EU program" Horizon 2020, training for national and regional contact points"  took place.  In the conference,  vice-chairman of Young Scientists Council of NAS of Ukraine and member of the expert team "ERA of Ukraine" Yulia Bezvershenko  took part with  presentation "ERA  priorities and Horizon 2020: New Start for Ukraine”  


“Grid infrastructure and Grid technologies for applications in fundamental and applied science” -2016. Kyiv, Ukraine, 6 December 2016. BITP

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