

The EGI Applications Database (AppDB) was recently expanded with the Virtual Machine Operations (VMOps) dashboard. The VMOps dashboard provides graphical interfaces and high-level services for users to manage Virtual Machines and Virtualised Appliances on federated cloud infrastructures, particularly on the EGI Federated Cloud and community-specific cloud federations, for example the  ELIXIR Competence Centre Cloud Federation.

Ukrainian Grid News, news

Europe's leading e-infrastructures, EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE, PRACE and RDA Europe, invite all researchers, developers and service providers for two days of brainstorming and discussions at the Digital Infrastructures for Research 2017 event (30 November - 1 December 2017).



The Second International Open Research Cloud Congress aims at continuing the open dialogue among representatives of the academic research community, major funding and national policy agencies, and industry from a dozen countries, about the need for international cooperation and collaboration between and among private and public clouds supporting scientific research and a frank exploration of the pathways towards meeting those needs.


The workshop “National and European e-infrastructure cooperation for open science” will take place on September 8, in Athens, Greece, as part of the Open Science Fair.

The workshop is co-organised by EGI, GEANT and OpenAIRE and comes in the context of coordinating EOSC-related activities across European e-infrastructures.


The proposal for the EOSC-hub project submitted as a Research Innovation Action to the H2020-EINFRA-12-2017(a) call has been successfully reviewed by the European Commission. The project is expected to start in early 2018.


Slovenia is the ninth Member State to sign the European declaration on high-performance computing and will participate in the joint efforts to build the next generation of computing and data infrastructures.


July 11, 2017.  The purpose of the Forum is to identify and to discuss the  specific initiatives and the ways of implementation of  digital transformation of Ukraine.

Topics to be discussed during the FORUM include the following:

  • Digital economy for Ukraine
  • Digital Transformation “Digital Agenda of Ukraine – 2020”
  • Government actions in the areas of Ukraine’s digital transformation
  • Projects of digital transformations of a national scale


The EOSC Summit took place in Brussels, on the 12th of June, collecting 120 invited experts and key players in the European Open Science Cloud. The Summit was the “moment of commitment to the EOSC”, as clearly highlighted by director-general Robert-Jan Smits during the day.

Ukrainian Grid News, news

The next e-IRG Open Workshop, which is organised in the framework of the Maltese EU Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will take place in St Paul's Bay, Malta, on 8-9 June 2017. The main theme of the workshop is long-term sustainability of e-Infrastructures. Sessions will address structure and funding, services and data. A dedicated session will deal with the assessment of e-Infrastructures and the development of related Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


16 Feb 2017 in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine held hearings on the theme “Digital agenda for modern Ukraine” organized jointly by the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Informatization and communication and public union  “Hi Tech Office Ukraine”.

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