EGI-InSPIRE: building the digital European Research Area from the ground up. The final report describes the activities undertaken during the span of the EGI-InSPIRE project (May 2010 – December 2014). The report focuses on the project’s achievements and outcomes, reports on the use and dissemination of the foreground of the project and on the project performance and impact. On the web-site of DIGITAL AGENDA FOR EUROPE (A Europe 2020 Initiative) is published the small note about this event, which we give completely. The reference to the report of EGI is below given. |
The Open Science Commons is built on: e-Infrastructure Commons, an idea developed by the e-IRG to encompass integrated services and interoperable infrastructures across Europe and the world; Open Data Commons, where observations, results and applications can be made available for scientific research and for anyone to use and reuse; Knowledge Commons, in which communities have shared ownership of knowledge and co-create solutions with access to expertise and the technical support they need to exploit state-of-the-art digital services. |
On the 25th and 26th of September, EGI and GÉANT hosted a joint symposium on federated community clouds for research, as part of the EGI Autumn Conference. Over 150 participants gathered at the Science Park in Amsterdam to discuss community cloud services for the research community. |
Veterans returning from active duty endure many challenges to readapt to a civilian life. For some there is the added complication of combat stress, which affects their memory, attention span and other cognitive functions. |
The EGI Community Forum 2014 was held at the Helsinki University , Finland between 19-23 May 2014. The event was hosted by EGI.eu in partnership with the University of Helsinki and CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. The theme for the event was: Advancing excellent science
Luděk Matyska, chair of the EGI Council, writes about EGI's future as a secure, federated data-analysis infrastructure for the European Research Area. "An EGI strategy to tackle society’s grand challenges by providing a powerful, secure, efficient and scalable research infrastructure and associated support services for leading-edge data analytics." |
More than 4000 researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, young people and politicians are expected in Vilnius. The event will focus on Horizon 2020 - the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020. |
This Call for Proposals targets large-scale, computationally intensive projects that would not be possible or productive without access to PRACE resources. Applications for Project Access must use codes that have been previously tested and that demonstrate high scalability and optimisation to multi-core architectures or that demonstrate a requirement for ensemble simulations that need a very large amount of CPU overall. |
The first European Wolfram Technology Conference is quickly approaching! This two-track conference will showcase what's next in computational technology while bringing together an international cross section of experts from a broad range of fields. |
Today is the third anniversary of EGI.eu - the organisation established in Amsterdam to coordinate the European Grid Infrastructure on behalf of its participants. On its third year, EGI.eu will continue to support the European grid computing community to connect researchers from all disciplines with the reliable and innovative ICT services they need for thei research. |