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The three parties of the EOSC partnership have agreed to build up a monitoring system, which will eventually measure the progress towards Open Science as the new normal. In this context, the monitoring is not only a way to take stock, but also to share best practices and to motivate all partners of the EOSC to strengthen their involvement and investment.


The first international framework on open science was adopted by 193 countries attending UNESCO’s General Conference. By making science more transparent and more accessible, the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science will make science more equitable and inclusive. 

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The edition #36 of the EGI Newsletter is now available.

Among the highlights of this issue: New director of the EGI Foundation and future plans; Next 5 years of the EGI Federation: a strategy for research support on a global scale...

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News from the EGI community. issue 35 September 2019. This edition of the newsletter is focused on news about projects, use cases and collaborations. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome! Send an email to the EGI communications team at:


As part of its mandate, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Executive Board has launched five Working Groups with outputs that will directly tackle priority areas for establishing the science cloud.


The 4th issue of the EOSC-hub Magazine is now published and features articles focused on the project's collaborations, initiatives and services.


Five ESFRI cluster projects have been launched early this year, providing a gathering point for various ESFRI projects and landmarks to connect to the EOSC. Research Infrastructures have strong links with research communities and projects, manage significant data volumes and develop innovative data analytics tools, ensuring effective research data exploitation.


We are launching a 2nd call for the EGI Strategic and Innovation Fund. The Fund was established by the EGI Council to stimulate targeted actions that bring benefits within the EGI Community in the short to medium term.

The 2nd call of the Strategic and Innovation Fund can be accessed by the EGI Council participants and associated participants. Moreover, the call is open to all organisations based in countries represented in the EGI Council who receive a letter of support by EGI Council participants


The 5th CORBEL Medical Infrastructure/Users Forum (MIUF), to be held on 15 October 2018 in Paris, will be held to promote close collaboration, at the pan-EU level, between medical research communities, funding bodies, and medical research infrastructures.


The 3rd Eastern Partnership E-Infrastructure Conference (EaPEC 2018), being held in Chisinau, Moldova aims to serve as a platform for collaboration on policy and research and supports community building in e-Infrastructures between the Eastern Partnership region and the EU member states. Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 09:00 to 18:00,  Chisinau, Moldova

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